How We Got Started
Microscape began as a fairly casual side project. To see whether the rest of the world might love the idea of architectural models as decorative accents as much as we do, we launched a Kickstarter campaign on January 25th, 2016 with an $8,000 funding goal.
Thirty days, over 1300 pre-ordered models and $103,854 later, our campaign ended and we concluded that the answer was probably "yes."
Microscape is now a growing enterprise intent on scanning, processing and printing every inhabited part of the planet. Yes, really.
While 3D scans of cities and 3D printed architectural models are nothing new, Microscape's process and products are unique for their application of several existing technologies in a way that will allow rapid customization, continual updates and a vast array of material options.
If you'd like to learn a little more about our beginnings, you can still view our original Kickstarter campaign video by clicking on the "play" icon to the right. You can also visit our Kickstarter post-campaign page to see exactly what our backers saw when they pledged to help launch Microscape.